Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter was really special...

We had a fun morning with the girls. It's fun when they start understanding the fun things like "the easter bunny" & (the easter PIG... "a tradition in Wes's home growing up) I, (eh hem, the easter bunny & his wife, the easter Pig),left a trail of easter eggs in Paisley's room that led out to the girls Easter baskets. Paisley woke up early that morning and ran in our room carrying the eggs and was so EGGCITED!! {I couldn't resist.} So we had her follow the eggs to the easter baskets. Acutally, since both Grandparents sent them easter goodies, it was more like Christmas Day!!! We are so lucky that they are so generous to us living away from home :)

What is even MORE fun, is when your kids start to understand, (or at least try) the reason for special Holidays. That Easter morning at breakfast, Wes and I talked to Paisley a little bit about the Atonement. It was a sweet moment for us to see Paisley's perfect mind and heart, think about Jesus and what He has done for us.
Later that day in Primary, they of course were talking about the Atonement. Paisley excitedly raised her hand and said "YEAH, MY DAD TOLD ME ABOUT THAT". It truly brings us joy and happiness to experience tender moments with our children. I think her Dad, and Heavenly Father were both happy. I'm so grateful to remember why we have Easter and for what it means to me.

*it was a tender day for me in so many ways*

Keep your eyes toward HEAVEN.


Tina said...

Priceless. We love you and feel like we were almost there as you share your sweet feelings. Thank you for giving us such a tender personal peek into your beautiful Easter experience.
Love, Mom

Becky said...

very cute girls! beautiful Easter post.

djfarnsworth said... can't get much sweeter than that! Always brings a smile to my face to read your blog. Spring has sprung in Nebraskie! Love....Momma

Anonymous said...

i love your blog. i love every single post. i love your stories. i love my nieces. i love my brother and sister. love you!!! see you next week GEEEEEEE!

Shelley Goodman said...

Oh my goodness,Nebraska is so BEAUTIFUL in Spring! I bet that gets you through the rough winters. Your girls are so cute! Glad you had a happy Easter!