Friday, November 11, 2011

Nana !

We were so lucky to have my mom here during the week of HALLOWEEN!! It was the greatest time ever. We felt so lucky to have her for a whole week. We love her so much and really enjoyed her company. We carved pumpkins, drank hot chocolate, watched scary movies and Christmas movies, made pumpkin bread, played in the SNOW!, told silly spooky stories to the girls, and went to antique stores!! Mom, I wish I could say that you should come out again, but uh, we're moving back home in 4 weeks!! WOWZA!!!

YEAH, it was like 60 degrees all week, {PERFECT!}and the last day mom was here, it SNOWED AND WAS SOOOO COLD! haha. We think that was actually our favorite day. Staying in our jammies and playing outside! Love you MOM. THANKS SO MUCH FOR COMING!

We ate at Bread and cup... so so YUMMY! {thanks suzanne for telling us about it!}

Thanks again Mom for everything. SEE YOU SOON!


Kyle and Reesie said... excited for you. Love all the pics. Your mom is really so sweet. Glad she was able to come see you!

Rae said...

Oh I so understand how you feel. I love when my mom comes to stay for a while. You guys are great. Good luck with the big move. Miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

the sweetest! SERIOUSLY! i love mom shes the best huh!